Cum informatiile despre band erau putine, nici asteptarile nu au fost mari, dar si daca le-as fi avut la cote ridicate cu siguranta ar fi fost depasite.
Trio-ul maghiar a inceput cu maxima energie, fara prezentari lungi si soundchecks interminabile si plictisitoare...Inca de la primele piese lumea a inceput sa danseze, iar Csu-Csu (chitara si vocal) si-a inceput desfasurarea pe mese si scaune, cu chitara cu tot, ocazie cu care si ultimii din cei ce inca stateau la locul lor si-au schimbat atitudinea intr-una de dans, joc si voie-buna.
Pe langa piesele proprii in inconfundabilul stil rockabilly, The Hepcats ne-au incantat auzul si cu cateva preluari dupa Iggy Pop, Social Distortion sau Brian Adams; de precizat ca preluarile facute de strainezi sunt in stil propriu, iar varianta pentru Summer of 69 este cat se poate de reusita, o recomand cu tarie mai mult decat originalul. Faptul ca trioul s-a bucurat de succes il demonstreaza si bis-ul in care ne-au bucurat cu "Blue Suede Shoes" si "Go, Johnny, Go" doua piese pe care nu le visam vreodata ca pot suna asa de bine impreuna...
Si cum galagia e mare la Bunker, am apelat la ajutorul lui Casian (Trei Ceasuri Rele) pentru mijlocirea unui scurt interviu, mai ales ca prea multe nu stiam despre cei 3 rockabilly maghiari, interviu ce vi-l redau mai jos,
cu parerea de rau pentru cei care n-au fost aseara sa ii vada si cu salutari celor ce s-au distrat asa bine:
1. since are you guys playing?
Well, this is a good question, for the right answer I have to go back in time… The HepCats is around 4 years old… but I was 13 when I first have met with the rock'n roll music. After that I bought a guitar and I start strumming on it. After few years, I wake up in a punk-rock band and so on. Joszti the drummer, he started playing the rockabilly rhythm with his old band The Boys from the Cellar, and when this band has dissolved he has joined the HepCats. Balázs, he is from younger generation, but he is really a rockabilly face, maybe he is the only one who is trying following the rockabilly rules.
2. You were always a trio? maybe some details...
Yes, of course. Well, but this is the third line-up, but who cares about the details? :) I was the founder of this band, and I could be the last one as well. Anyway, all the ex team members were really good friends of mine, and they did everything to create the best music.
3.Why are you so shy in giving details about the trio and the activity band?
What? Shy? No :) We just don't have enough time to update the information about the band.
4. Are they on tour now? from where to...where?
Well this is not a tour now, we have only two concerts on this weekend. The first stop is in Timisoara, where we try to give a kickass show. After that at saturday night we play in Szolnok with the Silver Shine.
5. how many albums? the names of some succes songs or album...
:) we working on our first record, but it's still not done. We recorded all the songs what we wanted, but we are not satisfied with the record's quality…
6. have u ever been in romania? where? and now, after Timisoara?
Yes, in this summer we were attending to a very good festival in Resita. We played together with The Silver Shine and Jetsons. It was a good concert.
7. Since u are friends with Silver Shine, did u ever think about a musical collaboration, maybe a song with both bands?
hehe, our latest common concert we played one song together with Ati EDGE. It was fun!
8. Your band philosphy is...
Well, we don't have an exact philosophy, we try to make our best. We love this kind of music, and I think that's all what is matters.
multumim :)